"After having read many of Dr. Batmanghelidj's recent works, including his jewel of a book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, it is very apparent that this work is revolutionary and sweeps nearly all diseases before it. As an Internist/Cardiologist I find this work incisive, trenchant and fundamental. This work is a God Send for all."
Dan C. Roehm, M.D., F.A.C.P.
"Dr. Batman's reasoning is incisive, his medical knowledge is indeed sparkles with wit and brilliant logic. His books are now a treasured possession in my library. I have used his advice for the painful arthritis I have in my hands and back and within two weeks, I have experienced considerable reduction of pain. I sleep better, I have more strength, with greater coordination and relaxation . I see life from a different point view, where everything seems easier for me to do.
"Dr. Batman's books are full of common sense and truthful medical advice. His suggested treatment of diseases goes to the roots, the cause of it and anyone who is fortunate enough to read them won't be disappointed with their purchase."
Laurence A. Malone, M.D., Ph.D., Dean for Academic Affairs,
The Learning Center for College Sciences, Ohio
"I consider your insights some of the most amazing I have encountered in medicine. Sixteen years of private practice in OBG and 8 years as a GP have provided me with a perspective that appreciates the potentials of your proposals."
L. B. Works, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
"After many years of study and practicing medicine, it is both rewarding and refreshing to discover the solution to many degenerative conditions beautifully explained by Dr.Batmanghelidj in Your Body's Many Cries for Water. This type of information fills a void left from traditional education."
Robert Battle, M.D.
"Thank you for the timely advice on using the combination of water and salt to treat my asthma. ...not only calmed my coughing but took it away. Once again thank you so much for sharing such insights into complex problems."
Jose A. Rivera, M.D
"It is a well written book and easy to understand. I think reading of this book should be made compulsory in all the Elementary, Middle and High Schools. It will prevent lots of illnesses and suffering at almost no additional costs."
Hiten Shah, M.D.,
San Jacinto Medical Clinic, CA.
"Batmanghelidj's book Your Body's Many Cries for Water hits the nail on the head."
Arthur Moll, D.C.
"Yours is the most elegant description of arthritic pain I've ever read!"
Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., M.A. Executive Director,
The Arthritis Fund/The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation
"Dynamite! Your hypothesis is precisely the paradigm breakthrough that generates quantum leaps forward in disease etiology."
Edmund H. Handwerger, D.D.S., M.P.H.