Table of Contents
How and where do you think I made my discovery?
Secrets of "water cure" were revealed to me in the unlikeliest place you could imagine.
In a Middle Eastern political prison.
It was 1979 when all hell broke loose and I was caught in the inferno.
After graduating from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University and having the honor of being selected as the resident doctor in my own medical school, I returned to Iran, where I was born, to set up medical centers and clinics for those in need. I became very successful in this endeavor. Then the political volcano erupted.
You saw it on the television screens. Angry masses engaged in the violent overthrow of the Shah and the Iranian government.
There was a tragic side to this historic event. Almost all professional and creative people who had stayed in the country were rounded up and taken to prison to be investigated, tried, and "dealt with" as quickly as possible.
Some people were shot on the first day or two. Their "revolutionary" trials consisted of establishment of identity, pronouncement of guilt, followed by the sentence. The trial would last no more than ten minutes. Other people were given a little more time before being "processed."
I was lucky to be among the latter group. I suppose my skills as a doctor were useful to prison authorities, hence the delay in my being "processed."
Evin Prison where I was held was built for 600 persons. At one point, it was "sardine-packed" with 8,000 to 9,000 prisoners. At the height of their revolutionary fervor, when segregating different political factions, prison authorities used some cells built for six to eight people to isolate up to 90 persons. One third would lie down, one third would squat, and one third would have to stand. Every few hours, prisoners would rotate position.
The nightmare of life and death in that hell-hole haunted everyone and tested the mettle of both the strong and the weak. This is when the human body revealed to me some of its greatest secrets, secrets never understood by the medical profession.
For most of the prisoners, who ranged in age from 14 to 80, pressures of the exceptionally harsh life caused much stress and ill health. Destiny must have chosen me to be there to help some of these desperate people.
One late night, about two months into my imprisonment (I had begun with six weeks in solitary confinement), my destiny revealed itself. It spoke to me in the loudest of words and forever changed my life.
It was past 11:00 p.m. I was awakened to see an inmate in excruciating stomach pain. He could not walk by himself. Two others were helping him stay upright.
He was suffering from peptic ulcer disease and wanted some ulcer pain medication. His face dropped when I told him I had not been allowed to bring medical supplies with me to prison.
Then the revolutionary breakthrough occurred!
I gave him two glasses of water.
His pain disappeared in minutes and he could begin to stand up by himself. He beamed from ear to ear. You cannot imagine the joy of relief he experienced, even in those harsh surroundings.
"What happens if the pain comes back?" he asked.
"Drink two glasses of water every three hours," I told him.
He became pain-free and remained disease-free for the rest of his time in prison. His "water cure" in that harsh environment totally amazed me as a doctor. I knew I had witnessed a healing power to water that I had not been taught in medical school. I am sure no other such observation has ever been made in medical research.
If water could cure a painful disease condition in that stressful environment, surely it needed further research! The penny dropped there and then. I realized that my destiny as a healer had brought me to this "human stress laboratory" to teach me a new approach to medicine and to reveal many other hidden secrets about the human body. I opened my eyes. Instinctively, I realized why I had come to prison!
I stopped thinking about myself and started to think about doing medical research in the prison. I began to identify the health problems that "blossomed" due to the stress of prison. By far the largest number involved ulcer pains. I treated those who came to me with what proved to be the best "natural elixir" -- water. I found water could treat and cure more diseases than any medication I knew about.