Table of Contents
I did not invent water. I only discovered its importance to health and well-being. My educational program will show how you can enjoy health and vitality just by tapping into the miracles hidden in a glass of water.
Order My Natural Water Cure Program (CDs) now and receive:
1.- "Your Body's Many Cries For Water (Hardcover) ," the hardcover edition of a best-selling book that, for the first time in medical history, identifies the variety of ways the human body shows it is in need of water. It explains the relationship of many diseases to water shortage. It explains how different diseases are related. It tells you how to prevent disease, and how to treat and cure different diseases before they become irreversible. Over 200,000 copies of this book have been sold in America and Europe. It has been translated into many different languages.
In order to rehydrate your body cells effectively, you need to read this book. You must understand what you can and cannot do. It is not enough just to drink water. You must learn when and how much water to drink. You must learn how much salt to take, and why it needs to be taken in conjunction with your daily water intake. You must learn how to start your water intake to overcome heart disease, asthma, stomach problems, and so on. In short, there is much more to learn than I could teach you in this medical report.
2.- Water: Rx For A Healthier Pain-Free Life (CDs) -- a 10-hour CD set. NEW! Since writing the book Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, I have received numerous letters from readers whose lives have been turned around by this information. Each letter tells a wonderful and heart-warming story about the miraculous healing power of water. Touched by my readers’ encouragement and compelling demand for more information about my water cure program, I have spent over a year on the development and editing of this 10-hour audio program. The tapes introduce you to the basics of my water cure program, and answer many of the frequently asked "whys" and "hows" of the water cure. Included are a number of wonderful testimonial letters from those who share their stories of how water helped and healed them.
The tapes are ideal for any-time listening. At home, on the road, or for group discussions. They are an excellent source of information for the visually impaired.
FREE GIFT: The half-hour CBS-affiliate video documentary, "The Water Cure," produced by WYOU-TV, of Scranton, PA. This broadcast video describes my new health technology. It includes interviews with a number of people who have cured their diseases by using water as a medication. You cannot buy this unique video tape. It is available only as part of My Natural Water Cure Program (CDs).
What I am offering you is unique information on how life and good health depend on water. If you consider this information important to your future well-being, it is available to you for only $77.00 plus shipping costs. Less than it would cost you to go once to a medical specialist.
A medical student spends over $200,000 to become a doctor. At present, he is only taught how to treat your "dehydration" with medications. It is time you learn how to recognize dehydration yourself and prevent it from causing your body harm.
A Nominal Investment in Your Health That Provides Rewards Lasting a Lifetime
My treatment is new and unique. It is based on your body's needs. No one else can offer you my medical insight and information. You need my "new road map" to a healthier pain-free life. It has taken me 18 years to chart it! You need more information to understand, prevent, even reverse complications of persistent dehydration. The detailed information in My Natural Water Cure Program (CDs) is vital for your initiation into the new art of self-healing
Unlike the poisonous drugs that are used to treat dehydration, WATER is free. It costs nothing. It has no side effects. It is what your body needs.
Order My Natural Water Cure Program (CDs) now! Everything is written and produced in simple English. No complicated medical jargon or convoluted hard-to-follow explanations. I use only the language of common sense and I give you lots of illustrations and heart-warming testimonials.
As Louis Pasteur, discoverer of bacterial diseases, said: "Chance favors the prepared mind." I have tried to prepare your mind to understand the cause of painful degenerative diseases. I hope you will do yourself the favor of continuing to learn more than what this report can teach you, now that you have the chance.
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
P.S. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with one of the diseases I mentioned and is about to get trapped into conventional medicine programs, get My Natural Water Cure Program (CDs) into their hands as fast as you can. It is more than likely he or she is only thirsty, and not sick or in need of medical or surgical treatment.